Antique French Instruments

Sourced on our travels to France ... decorative vintage instruments can be a quirky and fun addition to transitional spaces and children’s rooms - or a fab gift for a music lover.

The large brass ancient hunting horn, (le cor de chasse) emerged in the middle of the 17th from the French court.  This horn was used for military activities as well as in hunting scenes. 

The natural trumpet is a long, double-folded trumpet without valves. It was used across Europe from the 15th through the mid-19th centuries and is a common ancestor to all modern brass instruments. 
The smaller silver horn is integral to fox-hunting and other hunting actives where hounds, usually beagles hunt by scent.

Large Brass Horn: 600m Diameter x 400mm High
Trumpet: 490 mm Long x 110 mm High
Small Silver Horn: 250 mm Long x 90 mm High